Solar Power Solutions

Shine and stay on Track !


We have several solutions, products and services to meet various power needs. We can also customize a solution that meets your specific requirement.


This is a typical back up power solution for a small house to mitigate the effects of load shedding.

This solution typically provides enough power during daylight time and at least 4 hours back up during night-time

Powers the following :

Comprises of :


This is a typical off-grid power solution for a small house. It is also suitable as a backup solution to mitigate the effects of load-shedding.

This solution typically provides enough power during daylight time and at least 6 hours back up during night-time but can also run for 24 hours depending on the load.

Powers the following :

Comprises of :


This is a typical off-grid power solution for an urban  house or a small sized office block.

Powers the following :

Comprises of :


This is a typical off-grid power solution for a large house or medium sized office block.

Powers the following :

Comprises of :


This is a typical power solution for an office block or commercial enterprise

Powers the following :

Comprises of :